Nurses Group Activity Report 2021
EBMT Nurses Group (NG) is committed to patient care through education, research and international network collaboration.
The EBMT NG is one of the leading groups in the field of haematology and HSCT nursing. It is dedicated to improving the care of patients receiving HSCT and promoting excellence in and through evidence-based practice. The NG’s mission is to enhance and value the nursing role all over the world, supporting and sharing knowledge through communication, advocacy, research, training and education.

Major achievements
Despite the global impact and restrictions imposed by the Covid19 pandemic, the Nurses Group has continued to increase the reach and influence of our work through collaborative partnerships, education and research initiatives.
We value advocacy and the patient voice and this year, have included dedicated sessions in all our major meetings. With invitations from the International Council of Nurses (ICN), European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and South Saudi BMT group, we have delivered education symposia and programmes to nurses practicing in a range of settings.
Building on the E-Learning opportunities already available to nurses on the EBMT site, we launched the JAZZ VOD eLearning in 2021 and have begun to work on a new digital skills project with the recently assembled Trainee Committee. We expect the first modules to go live during 2022.
In 2021, we agreed two new committee roles to be launched in 2022. The first, a Working Party Nurse representative will play a pivotal part in creating a peer forum for our ten Working Party nurses, bringing together their activities with the Research and Scientific Committee chairs. The second, is part of our brand new ‘Next Generation’ project, focussing on our transplant nurses and nurse leaders of the future.
The Nurses Group has this year contributed a chapter section to the EBMT CART Handbook and work has begun on the 2nd edition of the EBMT textbook for Nurses with launch planned with French translation at the Annual Meeting in 2023, Paris.
There have been 5 publications involving the Nurses Group, 4 of which whereby EBMT nurse committee or WP members are lead authors.