The EBMT Registry is a web application where data entry can take place. The web application was released for all users on August 24th, 2023. The release version is referred to as version 1.0.
Upcoming maintenance modes
Due to maintenance or migrations the EBMT Registry will be closed on the following dates:
Dates | Reason |
18/04/2025 | Technical Infrastructure updates |
18/07/2025 | Technical Infrastructure updates |
12/08/2025 - 14/08/2025 | Core dataset migration v1 fix |
17/10/2025 | Technical Infrastructure updates |
TBD | Extended dataset migration cycle |
Known bugs at release and fix dates
When users started working with the EBMT Registry, some bugs were reported. Some of these have been resolved already, others are pending resolution with the next release.
Issue | Fix date |
Issues with saving forms that have checkbox items | August 31, 2023 |
Searching for dates does not work | September 4, 2023 |
Sorting does not work | End of September release |
Issues with saving anonymous events | August 31, 2023 |
Errors/warnings appear on empty fields | End of September release |
Typo in Ethnicity options | Release 1.1 |
Hint text position is misplaced | Release 1.1 |
Events that require your attention displaying wrong events | Release 1.1 |
Events that display your attention does not redirect to the correct event | Release 1.1 |
Fields marked as Ongoing/Not Evaluated/Unknown are not cleared automatically after entering data | Release 1.1 |
"Other" could not be found in select-search fields | Release 1.2 |
Patients can be created in the future | Release 1.2 |
Hidden fields can activate error/warnings | Release 1.2 |
Endpoint returning error 500 on Filter based virtual registries | Release 1.4 |
Donor GRID values upper limit | Release 1.4 |
Further improvement on Other searches | Release 1.4 |
Empty patient page for Data Monitors/Viewers | Release 1.4 |
Events can clutter the timeline | Release 1.4 |
Dashboard displaying wrong information | Release 1.5 |
Patient information variables not working on filtering | Release 1.5 |
Errors incorrectly triggered on dates and numeric fields | Release 1.6 |
Ethnicity questions now display: "Only for UK" | Release 1.9 |
CIC code now displayed during patient creation | Release 1.9 |
Data viewers not being able to see all its patients | Release 1.9 |
Inconsistent save behavior | Release 2.4 |
Pop-up of data deletion inconsistencies | Release 2.4 |
Changing order of fields | Release 2.4 |
Validations not triggering as expected | Release 2.4 |
Anonymous events not working | Release 2.6 |
Hybrid based Virtual Registries not displaying the full context of patients | Release 2.6 |
Patient timeline view not displaying the events in correct chronological order | Release 2.6 |
Wrong information on PDF print-out header | Release 2.7 |
Anonymous event exports state changing to Error before Ready | Release 2.8 |
Release notes
As the EBMT Registry is in ongoing development, new functionalities will be added every once in a while. The addition of new functionalities, improvements of existing functionalities and bug fixes are called releases.
Version | Release date |
1.0 | August 24th, 2023 |
1.1 | September 26th, 2023 |
1.2 | October 30th, 2023 |
1.3 | October 30th, 2023 |
1.4 | December 4th, 2023 |
1.5 | December 12th, 2023 |
1.6 | January 30th, 2024 |
1.9 (1.7 + 1.8) | March 4th, 2024 |
2.1 | April 22nd, 2024 |
2.2 | May 14th, 2024 |
2.3 | July 2nd, 2024 |
2.4 | 3rd September, 2024 |
2.6 | 5th November, 2024 |
2.7 | 17th November, 2024 |
2.8 | 3rd December, 2024 |
2.9 | 13th February, 2025 |
Version 2.9 release notes
Release date: February 13th, 2025.
- Release goals:
- Custom OMOP concept management
- Summary fields available at patient summary
- Resolving small bugs centered around data queries
Version 2.8 release notes
Release date: December 3rd, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Improvements on anonymous events export
- Improvements of Study Manager functionalities
- Introduction of "Deferred rendering" for improved performance of EBMT Registry when opening patient events
- Minor bug fixing
Version 2.7 release notes
Release date: November 17th, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Enhance platform stability and security
- Improvements on PDF printout
- Improvements on appearance of extended dataset fields
Version 2.6 release notes
Release date: November 5th, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Anonymous events improvements
- Data monitors permissions are upgraded to allow viewing patients
- Possibility to add queries on repeatable fields
- General improvements to Study Manager
- Resolution of bugs and issues
Version 2.4 release notes
Release date: September 3rd, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Improvements of Duplicate patients check
- Internal developments for the addition of Extended dataset data
- Improvements in filtering for data queries and patient creation dates and commonly used filters
- Introduction of embargo for patients
- Improvements to the timeline by adding a List view
- Resolution of bugs and issues
Version 2.3 release notes
Release date: July 2nd, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Update related to the development of EBMTs Study Manager tool
Version 2.2 release notes
Release date: May 14th, 2024.
- Release goals:
- Additional consent date addition
- Improvements in filtering for subcategories
- Creation of Query manager role
Version 2.1 release notes
Release date: April 22nd, 2024. First major update of the new EBMT Registry. Contains also 2.0 version.
- Release goals:
- Implementation of versioning system to update the data capture forms.
- Data Service versioning system.
- Dynamic data sources for linking between events.
- Special status for migrated fields to ensure its visibility when parent question is empty.
- Discarded fields to ensure we can hide non-relevant questions.
Version 1.9 release notes
Release date: March 4th, 2024. Releases 1.7 and 1.8 were combined into 1.9.
- Bug fixes:
- Data editors should be able to update consent sub-questions.
- Data monitor permissions were spilling to data viewers causing them to not see the totality of their patients.
- UPN filter improved to deal better with cap sensitivity.
- Ethnicity questions now display a disclaimer "UK only".
- CIC code now is displayed during patient creation.
- Archival of events now is clearly defined in the audit trail.
- Events that require your attention has been improved to reduce the number of warnings triggered.
- Validations to date fields have been updated and will no longer trigger undesired errors or warnings.
Version 1.6 release notes
Release date: January 30th, 2024
- New features were added to the EBMT Registry:
- Changing patient data now requires a reason for change.
- Date of informed consent has been updated to First date of Informed Consent.
- Bug fixes:
- Data editors should be able to update consent sub-questions
- Export button will no longer be greyed out when the number of patients to export appears as Unknown.
- The algorithm used to search the options in dropdown has been update to find Other faster.
- Validations to date fields have been updated and will no longer trigger undesired errors or warnings.
Version 1.5 release notes
Release date: December 12th, 2023
- New features were added to the EBMT Registry:
- Filtering on special statuses, such as Not Evaluated and ongoing is now possible.
- Bug fixes:
- Audit trail has been improved to increment the information available for administrators.
- Filtering on patient information variables is working as expected.
- Dashboards displayed wrong information in some cases, this has been addressed to show the correct information.
- Further changes have been performed to the tentative patients check.
Version 1.4 release notes
Release date: December 4th, 2023
- New features were added to the EBMT Registry:
- Filtering on special statuses, such as Unknown is now possible.
- Now it is possible to add notes to patients.
- Centre based virtual registry users can create anonymous events.
- Bug fixes:
- Endpoint returning error 500 on Filter based virtual registries has been fixed.
- Donor GRID values upper limit was removed.
- Further improvement on Other searches were implemented.
- Empty patient page for Data Monitors/Viewers should display appropiate patients.
- Events timeline was re-designed to avoid accumulation of events.
Version 1.3 release notes
Release date: October 30th, 2023
- Small improvements over 1.2:
- Data editors can now update consent status.
Version 1.2 release notes
Release date: October 30th, 2023
- New features were added to the EBMT Registry:
- Filtering on empty fields.
- Making a PDF printable version of an event.
- Export functionality for data editors and data viewers.
- Maintenance mode so the EBMT staff can do changes to the platform and migration of legacy data safely.
- Bug fixes:
- "Other" cannot be found in select-search fields has been addressed.
- It is no longer possible to create patients with date of event in the future.
- Hidden fields do not trigger errors/warnings anymore.
Version 1.1 release notes
Release date: September 26th, 2023
- New features were added to the EBMT Registry:
- Filtering now allows to filter on centre properties such as CIC (centre identification code) or Country. Furthermore, now it is possible to filter by event without adding any extra clause, and on event creation date.
- Radio buttons can be cleared in case of erroneous data entry
- EBMT personnel will now have the capability to release predefined filters for all users
- Centre-based virtual registries will now allow users to see the anonymous events associated with the centre members of the virtual registry.
- Improvements to the EBMT Registry:
- Demo environments can be clearly distinguished from production now to avoid entering data in the wrong section.
- The events in the overview ‘events that require your attention’ now redirect to the relevant event.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a typo in ethnicity options
- Hint texts has been positioned more appropriately
- Events that require your attention will no longer display events that do not require attention. Furthermore, now selecting the events that require your attention will redirect the user to the correct event.
- Fields marked as Ongoing/Not evaluated/Unknown will clear its greyed out status automatically when data is entered without a need for the user to click on it.
Version 1.0 release notes
Release date: August 24th, 2023
- Release of the tool to the public
Important information
Multiple users of EBMT Registry recently encountered a pop-up window with notification about Irreversible action on dependent fields and removal of data from some data fields listed (see example below). This notification appears only for data migrated from previous systems.

Please note that this is not a system bug or error, but an informative message to users about the way the migrated data is currently structured in the events in the EBMT Registry. Data Editors are asked to read the information and click the ‘Submit change’ button. If users fail to Submit changes, they will be shown this pop-up window every time the event is loaded until changes are accepted. It is important that patient events are synchronised with the logic and structure of the form (visibility conditions) and no contradictions in the migrated data are present, e.g. patient was reported as alive and also present cause of death in the old systems. If you think that the mistake was made in the old system you can correct it appropriately in the Registry. However the system automatically takes the primary response as the correct one, in this case that the patient is alive and removes the cause of death.
In the EBMT Registry, dependencies between data fields are currently set up in such a way that depending on the answer in one data field, only relevant sub-questions are shown.
Due to the fact that dependencies between data fields were changed in the EBMT Registry compared to ProMISe, and present availability to switch the dynamic filtering off in ProMISe, some of the data registered in ProMISe does not match the new dependencies.
For example, in ProMISe the user could report absence of GvHD and also record the aGvHD grade 0 (none). If the answer to the first question (GvHD present yes/no) is answered ‘no’ in the EBMT Registry (no observed GvHD), the user is not able to register detailed information about aGvHD and cGvHD due to the introduced dependencies and visibility conditions (these fields are not shown and thus cannot be filled in). If data is entered for the questions depending on the overarching question (in this example GvHD yes/no), and the answer to the main question changes from yes to no, the data in the sub questions will be removed.
Save changes button
The Save changes button in some of the patient/donor events may be shown as active. This is not considered a bug. This may appear in case of updates in a particular event form configuration or when migration to some data fields was performed. The users are advised to click Save changes button in such cases to save its last version to the database.