The Acute Leukemia Working Party relies on a large registry based in Paris. It is devoted to the promotion and analyses of all primary and secondary myeloid and lymphatic acute leukemia aspects associated with the transplantation of stem cells from Autologous and all donor types including T deplete and T replete Haploidentical transplants as well as cord blood transplantation, including prospective and retrospective studies, and education in this field.
Learn more about the ALWP
Over the last decades, studies conducted by ALWP members have yielded a significant amount of scientific knowledge, creating the basis for continuously improving patient care.
With the support of the different ALWP subcommittees' leaders (F. Ciceri, J. Esteve, S. Giebel, NC. Gorin, F. Baron, B. Savani and C. Schmid), the data managers (E. Polge, A. Mailhol, M. Houhou, E. Penisson (part time)), the help of invited Post Doc fellows, (Eder S. (Austria), Lorentino F. (Italy) and Sun Y. (China)), our dedicated statistician, M. Labopin, ALWP members and all EBMT participating centres, the studies portfolio of the ALWP has grown quickly, and generated an amazing number of published manuscripts and communications at major meetings such as the EBMT, ASH, EHA and ASBMT/CIBMTR Tandem meetings.
The huge scientific productivity of the ALWP over the past months is a good illustration of the success of EBMT strategy. We deeply believe in the capacity of the ALWP - with the support of and in cooperation with the other working parties and EBMT leadership - to continue facing new challenges successfully.

EBMT Study Proposal and Selection Process Policy
Open Surveys
ALWP Publications List
Guidelines, Consensus Statements, and Position Papers
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Subcommittees & Members