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Paediatric Diseases Working Party Educational Course on Cancer Predisposition

Event type:
Educational Meeting

Welcome Message

During the last decades, hereditary cancer genetics have become increasingly explored, mostly due to significant advancement in molecular biological technologies. As childhood malignancies are rarely associated with environmental exposures, understanding the underlying genetic factors is of crucial relevance. The nowadays known 10% of cancer predisposition syndromes in children with malignancy might actually be even underestimated. Due to this highly relevant content, the PDWP of the EBMT decided to dedicate a scientific meeting exclusively to this area of research, which will gain increasingly importance in the upcoming years. During three days, all relevant pathways and cancer predisposition syndromes will be presented by international experts from all over the world in an entirely virtual, but live webinar. Each session will offer the opportunity to interact directly with the expert in order to discuss the presentation and to ask questions from your clinical practice. 

We are looking forward to welcome you on October 7-9 for taking actively part in this completely new educational format of the PDWP.

Selim Corbacioglu, PDWP Chair
Josu de la Fuente, PDWP Vice Chair
Katharina Kleinschmidt, PDWP Secretary
Hilda Mekelenkamp, NG Paediatric Committee Chair


Please find the meeting fees below:


*  EBMT members can use their CIC code to have the special members’ fee
**  Accreditation required
*** By registering this meeting, Nurses will have free registration for the NG International Study Day & Research Study Day which will be held virtually on 7-8 October 2021.

To register, please click on the “Register” button above. You can pay by wire transfer (until the 1st of October), credit card or PayPal.

The registration includes access to the live meeting and on-demand content. The content will be available until the 9th of November 2021. After that date, most of the content will be transferred to the EBMT e-Learning platform. All EBMT members will be able to access the content. 

The registration will close on the 4th of October 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact:

If you are not part of EBMT yet, please consider becoming a member. For more information visit this page:

Certificate of Attendance

After the live event, you will receive an email with a short survey to evaluate the course. After the survey is completed, you’ll be able to download the certificate of attendance.


Please click the document above to download the preliminary Scientific Programme.

Paediatric Diseases Working Party Educational Course on Cancer Predisposition is planned to be an interactive educational meeting with the participation of all the delegates and we would like to encourage you to share your case studies with us.

Organizing committee will be selecting 3 case studies and you can see them below. The selected studies will be incorporated to the scientific programme with a 10 minutes presentation for the submitter on the 8th of October as a part of the Session 7: Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes. 

  • DBA Case Study
  • FA Case Study
  • DC Case Study

Guidelines for the case presentation submission: 

• Word or PDF document 

• Case can be structured (e.g. Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions).

• Maximum number of words: 300 

• Mention all the authors

Please send your case study before the 10th of September 2021 to to enter the selection process.


Case presenters selected will have free registration to the course, please don't register before getting the confirmation that your case has been selected. 

EBAH–CME Accreditation

We are pleased to announce that this educational course will be accredited by the EBAH-CME credits system. When you access the virtual platform, please add your EBAH-CME number in your profile. Your attendance will be tracked in order to assign you the correct number of CME points.

In order to collect your EBAH-CME credits, we recommend you create an EBAH-CME account by clicking on the following link. By registering to the EBAH-CME website, you'll have access to the record of other events you have already been accredited for. After the meeting, an updated attendance list will be uploaded to the EBAH-CME website.

If you already have an account, you will receive an email to evaluate the course and claim your points. If after 15 days you have not received an email regarding your credits, please contact the EBMT Educational Unit at

Bronze Partner 



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There are various opportunities to support this educational course. For more information, please send an email to