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Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for refractory AML: a comparison between sequential or standard myeloablative conditioning regimen (a retrospective study).

Paediatric Diseases Working Party (PDWP)
Study type:
Study number:
Type of treatment:
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)
Short title:
Etude comparative MAC Séqentiels.
Primary objective:
The primary end points are:
• 2 years overal survival OS)
• 2 years disease free survival (DFS)
Death from any cause will be considered as an event. Event will be summarized by a survival curve. Surviving patients will be censored at time of last follow-up.

Comparison of DFS and OS will be performed between patients who received a sequential conditioning and those who received a standard myeloablative conditioning regimen.

Key inclusion criteria:
-Age at transplant below to 18 years.
-Acute myeloide leukemia (without secondary AML or MDS)
- First HSCT
-Refractory disease at transplant (> 5% of marrow blasts at transplant).
- Transplantation between 2000 et 2015
Principal investigator:
Audrey Grain
EBMT Study coordinator:
Arnaud Dalissier
Study coordinator email: