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Interim Audits to return in 2023

JACIE Committee
Inspector Committee
Accreditation Committee
Quality Managers Committee

Interim Audits that take place at the mid-point of the accreditation period, which for most centres will be at the end of the 2nd year of the Accreditation were stopped due to the pandemic. The Interim Audit is designed to ensure that the Centre continues to comply with the Standards and to ensure that any deviations or other issues are identified as early as possible. For JACIE, the Interim Audit provides a tool for a regular surveillance of the accredited Centres. For the Centres, it is an opportunity to provide evidence on the ongoing function of the quality management system, as well as highlighting any changes to either facilities or key personnel.

JACIE will re-introduce Interim Audit Process from beginning of 2023. This will impact on Centres Accredited in 2021 and JACIE will not be requesting the Interim Audit information retrospectively from Centres who would have been due to send in Interim Audit documentation during the pandemic.

The process and the documentation have been streamlined and hopefully means that the process both allows an accurate snapshot of the Centre at the time of the audit; yet is not too time consuming for the Centres to complete.

Centres due the Interim Audit will be notified by the JACIE office with the documents required and the timeline for the data submission. Any questions, please email to