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The EBMT Registry

The EBMT Registry was established in 1974 and today it is the backbone of the EBMT’s research and educational activities. It provides a pool of data to haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) healthcare professionals to perform studies, assess epidemiological trends, and ultimately improve the care of patients with haematological malignancies and other life-threatening disorders.

As of March 2025, there are more than 770,300 patients, as well as 889,500 HCT and over 12,200 CAR-T treatments registered in the EBMT Registry. All the data is entered into the database by EBMT members, who must report performed HCT, CT, GT and IST treatments and other related data for patients treated or followed-up in their centres in order their centre to retain full EBMT membership status.

The EBMT Registry contains patient clinical data, including aspects of the diagnosis and disease, first-line treatments, HCT or cell-therapy-associated procedures, transplant type, donor type, stem cell source, complications and outcome. Patients are followed up according to pre-defined schedule. 

The EBMT Registry also has a separate section to collect basic information about donors and donor follow-up data: information there is entered by transplant centres (or Donor Registries, for unrelated donors).

All EBMT Registry studies are performed under the supervision of the EBMT Working Parties.

EBMT Registry

EBMT Membership

EBMT member centres have access to the EBMT Registry. Find out how your centre can become a member of the EBMT.

Become a member of the EBMT