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Registry Committee

The EBMT maintains a Registry of haematopoietic transplant procedures, which contains more than 700,000 entries. The collection of data was initiated prospectively in 1975, and the Registry data is behind a large proportion of European research output, translating into changes in clinical practice and improvements in patient outcome and care. The rapidly changing environment of the transplant field requires the Registry to be flexible and expandable in order to maintain its pivotal role in supporting physicians, researchers and doctors - in the clinical and business sectors - in their efforts to investigate new treatments, save patient lives and improve patient care. 

Registry Committee Team

Committee Objectives

Since 2011, the committee has advised on the functional development of the Registry in the context of EBMT Strategy and the scientific evolution of the HCT and cellular therapy fields. With the introduction of the new Registry in 2023, the committee mandate has been updated.


The Registry Committee works closely together with the Clinical Research & Registry Department and should work as the steering committee for the EBMT Registry. 

The Registry Committee should be involved in prioritisation of topics to be developed by the CR&RD/vendors.

The Registry Committee has the scientific oversight over the data collection to the EBMT Registry including development and revision of data collection forms. This is to be done in close collaboration with respective WP chair.

Strategy and function

  • The RC members will use their expertise to ensure that the Registry develops in line with the current scientific needs and future evolution of the HSCT and cellular therapy fields.
  • The RC will advise and inform the Board and the Scientific Council regarding current and future Registry projects, including the Registry Upgrade.
  • The RC will analyse functional requirements, cost-effectiveness and the feasibility of Working Party or Committee requests.
  • Data collection forms are planned to be updated yearly and the Registry Committee will have a key role in these updates.


Committee Members