Upcoming webinars from JACIE
Challenges of Inspection "Small" Facilities (Clinical, Collection, Processing)
This webinar will go live on the 26th of March.
This webinar is organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and is directed to JACIE inspectors. It will go live on 26 March, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations are sent by email two weeks before the event. If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
‘The Challenges of inspection “small” centres’ – For many centres/facilities SCT forms just a small part of what they do, but a centre doing 5 transplants a year has just as many standards to meet as everyone else! This Webinar looks at the challenges of inspection those smaller centres, with tips, tricks, and advice from a wonderful panel of experts covering Apheresis, Clinical Adults, Clinical Paeds and Quality Management.
Speaker panel:
- Stuart Kennedy
- Oktawiusz Wiecha
- Pierre Zachee
- Bénédicte Bruno
- John Fitzgerald
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org.
For any queries please contact: elearning@ebmt.org.
Past webinars
Mentorship - Inspector Tips for Inspections
This webinar went live on the 30th of January.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors. It went live on 30 January, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were by email two weeks before the event.
We received requests about the possibility of making recommendations for certain new inspectors who often find themselves with a difficult situation to deal with. This seminar aimed to provide a series of tips, tricks and tools to be able to better face the upcoming inspections.
Speaker panel:
- Dania Arabi, Stem Cell Processing and Quality Management JACIE inspector in in King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center - Saudi Arabia.
- Carlos Torrico León, JACIE Inspector and Operations Manager at the Tissue and Cell Bank of the Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia, Spain.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org.
For any queries please contact: elearning@ebmt.org.
Inspecting Apheresis Facilities: Centre and Inspector Perspectives
This webinar went live on the 27th of November.
This webinar provided a comprehensive look at the inspection process through the lenses of both apheresis centres and inspectors.
Participants gained essential knowledge of inspection protocols, quality management practices, and strategies for conducting effective inspections.
We examined common challenges faced during inspections, methods for identifying key areas of concern, and techniques to encourage constructive dialogue with apheresis centres to enhance compliance and continuous improvement.
Speaker panel:
- Dania Arabi, Stem Cell Processing and Quality Management JACIE inspector in King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center - Saudi Arabia.
- Ann De Becker
- Bruna Gotardo, JACIE Medical Officer in JACIE, EBMT.
ISBT128: All Things Labels
This webinar went live on the 26th of September.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors. It went live on 26 September, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by email two weeks before the event. If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar provided detailed information on the main and important aspects to consider when assessing labels during a JACIE inspection, label explanations and definitions (labelling systems and codes), what to expect, and how to understand labels.
Speaker panel:
- Fabio Culurgioni, Collection and Processing Inspector, JACIE Inspectors Committee, Qatar.
- Sandra Loaiza. Processing Inspector, JACIE Inspectors Committee, UK.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org.
For any queries please contact: elearning@ebmt.org.
Focus on IEC Standards: Current Challenges and the Opportunities Ahead
This webinar went live on the 29th of May.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 29th May, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by e-mail two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar explained the background and the process in the current 8th edition of the FACT-JACIE Standards. It explained the expectations set in the Standards and some of the challenges of implementing and inspecting units administering IEC Standards. Furthermore, the webinar discussed the opportunities and the future strategic objectives for JACIE within this field and examined opportunities for JACIE.
Speaker panel:
- Dr. Aurora Vassanelli. Hematologist, JACIE and Italian Competent Authority Inspector, Verona Transplant Program, Italy.
- Cristina Castilla-Llorente, MD, PhD. Head of JACIE Cell Therapy Programme, Head of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Adoptive Cell Therapy, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus Grand Paris, France.
- Tuula Rintala, MBA, MSc. Director for Quality of Care and Advocacy, EBMT.
Role of the QM Inspector
This webinar went live on the 28th of March.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 28 March, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by email two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
QM inspectors are the backbone of an Inspection, understanding the total wellbeing of a programme. This webinar will cover the inspection process end-to-end, and will be divided into 3 parts. We will look at the role of the QM inspector throughout the inspection process and provide some tips and real examples to a successful and smooth inspection.
Speaker panel:
- Eugenia Trigoso. Quality Manager Inspector, Chair of the JACIE Inspectors Committee, Spain.
- Anne Emmett. Quality Manager Inspector, Chair of the JACIE Quality Managers Committee, UK.
- Lea Brandt Kristensen. Quality Manager Inspector, JACIE Quality Managers Committee, Denmark.
How to Manage the Challenging Standards and Common Themes
This webinar went live on the 24th of January.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 24th January, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by e-mail two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
In this webinar, we reviewed some of the standards that seem more challenging during inspections. Some are specific to one facility; others are common themes. We may not have the answer for every single situation that may occur during an audit, but we reviewed the most frequent ones and gave general guidance.
Speaker panel:
- John Fitzgerald. Quality Management Inspector, JACIE Inspectors Committee. Ireland.
- Olga Lopez-Villar, MD, PhD. Head of the Transfusion Service. Hematology Department University Hospital of Salamanca – ISBSAL. Spain.
- Dr Christopher Dalley. Consultant Haematologist at University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. UK.
Bettering our Benefits: Update on JACIE Inspector Incentives & Review of 2023
This webinar went live on the 30th of November 2023.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 30 November, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were by e-mail two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
In July 2023, JACIE distributed a survey to all Inspectors to get a better idea on how you value your participation as an Inspector. A proposal was drafted with a taskforce from the JACIE Inspectors Committee on the changes we want to introduce to the Incentives the Inspectors receive. This webinar is conducted with the intention of sharing the findings, considerations, proposals and next steps with our Inspector Community, and discussing the value of being an inspector in 2023.
Speaker panel:
- Lucía Jimenez.JACIE Inspectors Coordinator, EBMT, Spain.
- Carla Sanchez. JACIE Strategy and Project Manager, EBMT, Spain.
- Sandra Loaiza. Processing Inspector, JACIE Inspectors Committee, UK.
- John Fitzgerald. Quality Management Inspector, JACIE Inspectors Committee. Ireland.
- Renza Monteleone. Quality Management Inspector, Quality Managers Committee, Italy.
- Dimitrios Bourantas. Clinical Inspector, Spain.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
For any queries please contact: elearning@ebmt.org
Lost in Translation? Not in Inspection!
This webinar went live on the 28th of September 2023.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and is directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 28 September, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by e-mail before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar will provide an insider’s view on how to approach and navigate through inspections where inspectors do not speak the language of the centre and the centre is translating their documents. How to conduct interviews with facilitators included, what documents to request, and what to bear in mind.
Learning objectives:
- Explore possible scenarios when it comes to perform in an international JACIE inspection.
- Learn how to manage your expectations as an active inspector in a translated inspection.
- Understand how to prepare for a translated inspection and what to bear in mind, as well as specific details that might rise (how to work along with facilitators, how to conduct the interviews, what to pay attention to).
Speaker panel:
- Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, Clinical Nurse specialising in Paediatrics Hospital Universitario y Politécnico LA FE, Valencia (Spain), Chair of JACIE Inspectors Committee.
- Dania Arabi, Stem Cell Processing and Quality Management JACIE Inspector, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia.
- Lucía Jimenez, HR Inspector’s Coordinator for JACIE Office, Barcelona.
ISBT128 Compliant Labels - Labels Explained
This webinar went live on the 25th of May 2023.
This webinar is organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and is directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 25 May, from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST, the invitations are sent by e-mail two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar provides detailed information on the main and important aspects to consider when assessing labels during a JACIE inspection, label explanations and definitions (labelling systems and codes), what to expect, and how to understand labels.
Learning objectives:
- Understand ISBT128 compliant labels and their coding system.
- Know what to look for when inspecting labels during an inspection.
Speaker panel:
- Aurora Vassanelli, JIC Committee Member, Processing and Quality Management Inspector, Italy.
- Dr Sandra Loaiza, Director John Goldman Centre for Cellular Therapy - Hammersmith Hospital - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust - London, UK.
- John Fitzgerald, MSc, FACSLM is a Chief Medical Scientist and Quality Manager in the Haematology Laboratory and Quality Manager for the Tissue Establishment and JACIE at Children’s Health Ireland in Dublin, Ireland.
Time Management: How to Administrate Your Time Before, During and After JACIE Inspections
This webinar went live on the 30th of March 2023.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 30 March, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by e-mail two weeks before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar provided an insider’s view of the timeline required for a JACIE inspection in order to Achieve better results through effective time planning, offering strategies to effectively manage the use of time.
Learning objectives:
- Recognition and Acknowledgement of the variety of common challenges that could be faced during a JACIE Inspection and learn how to overcome them.
- Clarification and prioritization of your objectives during the JACIE Inspection.
- Adopt strategies during the JACIE Inspection to perform effectively.
Speaker panel:
- Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, Clinical Nurse specialising in Paediatrics Hospital Universitario y Politécnico LA FE, Valencia (Spain), Chair of JACIE Inspectors Committee.
- Dania Arabi, Stem Cell Processing and Quality Management JACIE inspector, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Saudi Arabia.
- Carla Sánchez, PhD, JACIE Strategy and Projects Manager, EBMT, Barcelona, Spain.
How to Present the Summary Report After Inspection
This webinar went live on the 26th of January 2023.
This webinar was organized by the JACIE Inspector Committee and was directed to JACIE inspectors.
It went live on 26 January, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET, the invitations were sent by e-mail one week before the event.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar's invitations, please contact inspectors@ebmt.org
This webinar provided an insider’s view of what works well and what to avoid when completing the Summary Report and Inspection Checklist during and after an inspection.
Learning objectives:
- To refresh knowledge of how to complete the Summary Report and Inspection Checklist.
- To point out the most important topics when completing a report.
- To raise awareness of common pitfalls when completing the documentation.
Speaker panel:
- Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, Clinical Nurse specialising in Paediatrics Hospital Universitario y Politécnico LA FE, Valencia (Spain), Chair of JACIE Inspectors Committee.
- Dr. Lynn Manson, JAC & JIC Committee member, Consultant Haematologist and Clinical Lead, SNBTS Therapeutic Apheresis Services, Dept of Transfusion Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Estee De Swardt, JACIE Accreditations Coordinator, JACIE Executive Office, Republic of South Africa
Special Guest:
- Deborah Richardson is a physician and the Director of the Wessex BMT and Cellular Therapy service based at the University Hospital Southampton, UK. She has been a JACIE inspector for 10 years, has served on the standards subcommittees, and is currently a member of the JACIE Accreditation Committee.
There are various opportunities to support the EBMT Educational Webinars. For more information, please send an email to fundraising@ebmt.org