The fascinating field of cellular therapies—whether in the form of conventional hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, various gene editing techniques for autologous stem cells, or CAR-T cell therapies—continues to undergo significant and revolutionary developments. New treatment indications, innovative biotechnological approaches, and a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cellular function make this field a highly dynamic area for research and clinical application.
At the 2025 educational meeting, the Paediatric Diseases Working Party offers a wide array of exciting talks by recognized leaders in their respective fields, presenting a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of all important aspects of cellular therapies for children.
Over three days, you will have the opportunity to receive important updates through lectures, as well as enjoy inspiring networking opportunities that are essential for optimal patient care. One of the highlights of the meeting will be an interactive session titled “Pretty Kettle of Fish,” featuring unusual case presentations, which will be held on Sunday.
Additionally, an independent Nurses Track will take place on the 21st June.
We strongly believe that the longest days and shortest nights of the year will be filled with fruitful scientific exchanges and an exciting atmosphere for social networking events.
We look forward to welcoming you to Wrocław from June 20-22!
Krzysztof Kałwak, PDWP Chair
Katharina Kleinschmidt, PDWP Secretary
Ida Bremer Ophorst, PDWP Nurse
Please refer to the above "Preliminary Programme" button for the latest version.
EBMT is accepting cases for the Paediatric Diseases Working Party Educational Course that is taking place in Wrocław, Poland on 20-22 June 2025. The abstract submission window will close on Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 23:59h CEST.
EBMT is thrilled to announce the expansion of the EBMT Travel Grant programme, designed to enhance participation, foster inclusivity, and advance education within our Educational Meetings. These grants intend to alleviate the financial burden of in-person attendance to meetings, covering registration fees, and providing coverage for travel and accommodation expenses.
Travel Grants for Case Presenters
Eligible oral case presenters selected for the scientific programme of this educational course will receive an EBMT Travel Grant. The grant will cover registration fee costs, and a maximum reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses.
Travel Grant Amounts
The maximum reimbursement will depend on the region of residence of the participant:
Local (city/metropolitan area): no coverage (only free registration)
National (country): up to 500 EUR (same city excluded)
European region: up to 800 EUR
WANA* region: up to 1,000 EUR
International: up to 1,800 EUR
*West Asia and North Africa
The reimbursement will not be paid in advance, but rather after the meeting, upon receipt of the completed reimbursement form along with all relevant receipts in the correct format.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for a presenter grant, applicants must:
Submit a case through the system.
Register for the meeting via the registration platform and complete the payment. Applicants are entitled to cancel for a full refund if they do not receive a grant according to the given deadline.
Submit proof of their trainee, junior faculty or nurse status. Junior faculty is defined by EBMT as having five years or less of experience in a faculty role. EBMT recommends a letter from the institution’s Head of Department, please find a template here.
Please note that EBMT will collect the date of birth of the presenter for statistical purposes; however, age is not an eligibility criterion for accessing these grants.
Application Requirements
To apply for the grant, in addition to submitting the case, applicants are required to submit the following documents through the platform:
- CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Letter of Motivation (maximum 500 words)
Other Information
Eligible applicants who do not require or cannot accept a grant can select not to apply during the case submission. This does not have an impact on the eligibility of the case.
Non-trainee or non-junior faculty are welcome to submit their cases, but they will not be eligible for a grant. This does not have an impact on the eligibility of the case.
Selection Process
The selection will be conducted by the Scientific Committee of the educational course. Candidates will be evaluated based on their merits and the quality/relevance of their work.
Timeline according to each meeting instructions
Submission Deadline (*): 16 April 2025, 23:59 CEST
Communication of Selection Results: 24 April 2025
Deadline to confirm participation: 1 May 2025, 23:59 CEST
* In case the submission deadline is extended closer to the date, communication, and confirmation deadlines will be adapted accordingly.
This EBMT grant programme is a testament to our commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and education. We believe that by removing financial barriers and amplifying diverse voices, we can create a more enriching and vibrant experience for all.
Please consider using the “Case & Grant Submission” button above to start the process. Beware that this submission does not imply the registration to the meeting, so please, do not forget to register by using the “Register” button.

The registration will close on 15 June 2025 CEST, or when is sold out.
EBMT members can use their CIC code to enjoy the early bird fee until the registration closes or it is sold out. If you are not part of EBMT yet, please consider becoming a member. For more information visit this page.
*Nurses, PhD Students, Physicians in training and Data Managers will need to provide accreditation (ID card or letter from your institution) during the registration process.
Fee includes entry to all sessions, catering during the course and certificate of attendance.
To register, please click on the “Register” button above. You can pay by credit card or wire transfer. Should you need a VISA letter, you’ll be able to download it after the registration process.
If you have any questions, please contact: education.events@ebmt.org and include "PDWP 2025 Educational Course" in the subject line.
Registration Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be electronically mailed or postmarked by using the option "Modify registration".
Refund of registration fees will be as follows:
- In case of cancellation, up until one month prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (less bank charges).
- If the cancellation is notified between 15 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (less bank charges).
- Cancellations notified between 1 and 15 days registration fee will not be refunded.
Certificate of Attendance
After the event, you will receive an email with a short survey to evaluate the course. Once you have completed it, you will be able to download the certificate of attendance.
Venue details will be published soon.
EBAH-CME Accreditation
We are pleased to announce that this educational course will be accredited by the EBAH-CME credits system.
In order to collect your EBAH-CME credits, we recommend that you create an EBAH-CME account by clicking here. By registering on the EBAH-CME website, you will have access to the record of all other events you have already been accredited for. After the meeting, an updated attendance list will be uploaded to the EBAH-CME website.
If you already have an account, you will receive an email to evaluate the course and claim your points. If after 15 days you have not received an email regarding your credits, please contact the EBMT Educational Events Unit at education.events@ebmt.org.
There are various opportunities to support this meeting. For more information, please email fundraising@ebmt.org to indicate your interest.