Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Following the great success of the first edition held in Paris in February 2019, the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA) are teaming up again to bring to preclinical and clinical investigators from Europe and beyond, the 2nd edition of this European CAR-T Cell Meeting. The two professional associations are dedicated to raising awareness of the potential value of this new class of therapeutics, as well as to foster European preclinical and clinical initiatives
The recent approval of the first CAR T cell treatments in Europe presents a great opportunity to fight hematological malignancies, but also poses serious challenges given the peculiar nature of the treatment. Patients, physicians, nurses, hospitals and whole health systems need to learn how to select the right treatments, handle specific toxicities, organize treatment units and cope with the increasing costs connected with CAR T therapy.
This meeting will build on the knowledge and experience shared at the first joint meeting and will see the return of a number of key opinion leaders to give updates on the rapid developments in this exciting therapy. The program will include a comprehensive outlook on the current research efforts in Europe, the USA and China to increase access to CAR T cell therapies, evaluate new targets, improve efficacy and safety profiles, with input from basic researchers as well as representatives from the industry.
The target audience is hematologists, oncologists, physicians, nurses, data managers, supply chain managers and patient organization representatives and advocates.
We look forward to seeing you in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain this coming January for this noteworthy and influential Meeting dedicated to CAR T Cell therapies.
Yours sincerely,
Prof Christian Chabannon
Chair, EBMT Cellular Therapy & Immunobiology Working Party
and EBMT Scientific Council Vice-Chair
Prof Hermann Einsele
Chair, EHA-SWG on Immune Therapies for Hematologic Disorders
The 2nd European CAR T Cell Meeting is sold out, and it is no longer possible to attend the meeting in person.
Live-streaming Registration
The live-streaming registration fee is 100€ and includes:
- Access to the online live-stream of the sessions and presentations of the 2nd European CART Cell Meeting
Please click here to register for the live-streaming sessions.
IMPORTANT: This category doesn't allow refunds or cancellations.
General Registration Cancellation Policy
Refund of registration fees will be as follows:
- In case of cancellation, up until one month prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (minus 5% bank fees)
- If the cancellation is notified between 30 and 15 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (minus 5% bank fees)
- Cancellations notified between 15 and 1 day, the registration fee will not be refunded
- Name changes: Permitted up to 15 days. The current available fee will be applied
Press Registration
Press accreditation and registration is required to attend this meeting. Press registration is free and includes complimentary meeting registration. If you wish to register, please send an email to communications@ebmt.org and/or communication@ehaweb.org with:
- a copy of your press credentials,
- a letter of assignment from the media organization being represented,
- two bylined medical/health/science articles published within the last 6 months.
Your credentials will be checked and when approved, you will receive a confirmation.
Please find the media guidelines in this link.
The meeting begins on Thursday 30th January at 12:00h and ends on Saturday 1st February at 16:45h.
Please visit this page regularly for the most up to date programme.
This meeting will cover the following topics:
- The current state of CAR T cells in Europe
- Improvement of the efficacy and safety profile
- Pediatrics and CAR T
- Latest clinical & pre-clinical data
- CAR effector cells
- Optimization of CAR T treatment
- CAR T regulatory aspects
- Implementation of CAR T cells
- Nurses sessions
- Data Management sessions
With key-note lectures by:
- Professor Martin Pule | University College London, London, United Kingdom
- Professor Crystal Mackall | Stanford University, Stanford, USA
- Professor Jianxiang Wang | Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin, China
- Professor Carl June | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
- Professor Michel Sadelain | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
- Professor Stanley Riddell | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
The Nurse’s sessions will take place on Saturday 1st February throughout the day.
This Nurse’s Programme will cover the following topics:
- The basic science of immune effector cells
- Clinical trial updates
- How to set up a CAR T service
- Treatment options when ineligible and following relapse of CAR T
- Nursing guidelines
- The patient experience
The Nurses Group is pleased to announce that the final session will offer the opportunity for our participants to attend a special Panel Discussion hosted by 5 international experts in the field of CAR-T therapy. Questions and practice challenges from throughout the day will be discussed and debated. We want to encourage the involvement and contribution of our participants to create stimulating and interesting discussions and generate new knowledge and approaches to Nursing care in the CAR-T setting.
Following the Panel Discussion, we will break out onto 5 ‘meet the expert’ tables where participants will explore a specific theme, and bring their own questions and topics to discuss in a more intimate environment. Participants will rotate from table to table every 10 minutes
The Data Manager’s sessions will take place on Saturday 1st February from 08:15 – 12.00.
This Data Manager’s Programme will cover the following topics:
- Cellular therapy form and data entry in MACRO
- CIBMTR experience of CAR T data collection
- Importance of long-term follow-up from different perspectives
- Toxicities in CAR T therapy: recognition and management
Abstract submission is officially closed.
Abstract submission is an important part of the 2nd European CAR T Cell Meeting. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to submit an abstract for this meeting, and (if accepted) have the possibility to discuss it with the international faculty and your peers.
A selection of abstracts will be eligible for acceptance during the meeting, the presentation format will be in the form of oral presentations or poster presentations. Presenting authors will receive a separate invitation.
As a consequence of the high appreciation expressed by delegates for the flash talk session at the 1st edition of the EU CAR-T Cell meeting, the Scientific Program Committee has decided to include two sessions during the 2nd edition. A particular attention will be paid to presentations of emerging projects and initiatives in Europe. Abstract submission will close on the 15th November 2019 (23:59 UTC).
You can submit an abstract on one of the following topics:
CAR-based therapeutic approaches for
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Biology & Translational Research
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Clinical
- Acute myeloid leukemia - Biology & Translational Research
- Acute myeloid leukemia - Clinical
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and related disorders - Biology & Translational Research
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and related disorders – Clinical
- Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Biology & Translational Research
- Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Clinical
- Hodgkin lymphoma - Biology & Translational Research
- Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Biology & Translational Research
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
- Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy and vaccination - Biology & Translational Research
- Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy and vaccination - Clinical
- Clinical implementation of immune effector cell based therapies, including combinatorial approaches with other immune therapies
- Solid tumor and autoimmune disorders
- Medico-economics, regulatory and patients acceptance aspects of CAR-T Cell therapies
The abstracts will be reviewed and allocated by the Organising Committee. Submitting authors will be informed about the allocation before the 1st December 2019.
Please note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the meeting (if the abstract is accepted) and if required present the abstract as an oral presentation or poster presentation in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be allowed to register for the early registration fee, for which the details will be shared in the acceptance letter. All other authors wishing to attend the meeting should register before the 10th November to make use of the early registration fee. To register, click here.
Should you have any questions concerning the abstract submissions, please contact scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org.
The meeting will take place at Melia Sitges Hotel:
Carrer de Joan Salvat Papasseit 38
08870 Sitges
Barcelona, Spain
Shuttle Bus
Limited space available
Participants will be responsible for covering their costs of travel & accommodation aswell as a recommended travel insurance.
The Organisation cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of participants. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.
Some additional information will be given upon registration.
EBAH-CME Accreditation
Continuing Medical Education (CME) is widely accepted to encourage individual practitioners to maintain and develop professional knowledge and skills keeping up-to-date with latest developments within the field. The meeting will be accredited by the EBAH system.
Participants of this meeting are eligible to receive one Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit point for every hour of accredited activity from the EBAH system.
Italian agent
Mr. Gianni Frontani
Via Arrigo Davila 130
00179 Rome – Italy
Tel. 0039 06 44249321
Fax. 0039 06 99331533
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There are various opportunities to support this meeting. For more information please send an email to fundraising@ebmt.org to indicate your interest.