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Special Grants for Nurses to attend the 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT

Nurses Group
Nursing Research Committee
Nursing Scientific Committee
Nursing Paediatric Committee
Nursing Global Education Committee

There is an exciting opportunity for early career nurses to apply for last minute grant from the EBMT Nurses Group. Last minute grants open today and will close on Monday 10 March

  • Only applications received during this period will be reviewed
  • You can apply for one scholarship or grant only in a 12 month period

If you have previously applied for; or been awarded a grant you must state this in your application. Failure to do so, may result in a grant offer being withdrawn. 

EBMT Nurses Group Next Generation Annual Meeting Grants (1000 Euros)

The EBMT Nurses Group continues this award recognising early career nurses new to the field of transplantation. Each recipient will be awarded up to 1000 euros towards the EBMT Annual Meeting 2025 registration, travel and accommodation. 

Successful applicants are required to provide an article on their experiences at the EBMT Annual Meeting for the EBMT Newsletter.

Application criteria:

  • Working at EBMT member centre in the field of BMT and cell therapy 2-5 years
  • Working in a clinical role
  • Active on social media (eg Twitter) with experience of using this medium for professional communication
  • Under 35 years of age
  • Able to attend EBMT Annual Meeting 2025, Florence in person

How to apply?

Please submit a statement of support describing in no more than 250 words:

  1. what being a young transplant or cell therapy nurse means to you;
  2. how you are using social media for professional communication;
  3. how you will benefit from this grant;

a copy of ID (passport, driving licence)

Please submit your application to Elin Öfverberg, EBMT Nurses Group Secretary before Monday 10 March