The EBMT Patient Advocacy Committee (PAC) is conducting a survey among professionals involved in organising and planning the baseline assessment and preliminary exams that patients undergo before Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation.
We envision to reinforce how beneficial is for the patient (whenever possible) to concentrate the baseline assessments and pre-BMT exams on the same day, as a way to reduce the burden that consecutive visits represent for many of them. The importance of this topic for patients was established with a small questionnaire in Patient support groups active on Facebook in France and the Netherlands. Then, the PAC is trying to gather opinions from those involved in planning these tests, to evaluate feasibility to recommend this adoption as a best practice.
The PAC is inviting clinicians and members of the multidisciplinary teams involved in BMT to answer this short survey.
The findings will be published on the EBMT Website and presented at the Patient Family and Donor Day (Sunday April 14) during the next Annual Meeting of the EBMT in Glasgow.