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John Snowden candidate for the position of EBMT President-Elect in 2025

EBMT Organization

John Snowden

Sheffield, UK

"Dear Friends, I stand as your ‘grassroots’ candidate, but also someone who knows intimately how EBMT works…and how we can best modernise the organisation and its ‘pillars’ (Education/ Registry/Science/Quality), becoming more inclusive and representative to maximise global reach and impact whilst supporting member centres at every level. Clinical science and the new EBMT Registry are priorities not only for ‘fine-tuning’ HSCT/CAR-T practice but also key as EBMT expands beyond ‘traditional’ boundaries into broader Cell and Gene Therapies, harnessing ‘Big Data’, A.I. and M.L. along the way. Above all, EBMT must always work for the patients we all serve."

My Manifesto

I have been a Consultant Haematologist and Programme Director for most of the last 25 years, in an era where our HCT programmes have expanded massively in activity and complexity to meet clinical demands and scientific developments in our ever-evolving speciality.

Alongside I have been active in EBMT in various leadership roles, initially JACIE and then in the Board and Scientific Council, including serving as EBMT Secretary to two fantastic Presidents (Ana Sureda and Nicolaus Kröger). I have been central to developments in Education, the Registry, Science and Quality Improvement for over a decade. Nationally, I’ve also led on HCT in our ‘free’ NHS, and, as President of BSBMTCT, I maintained robust UK links with EBMT, especially during the pandemic.

With my ‘grassroots’ experience, combined with national and international responsibilities and integrity, I am very familiar with the big issues from ‘ground level’ upwards i.e. delivering patient care within a complex multi-disciplinary team for a wide range of diseases, whilst converting scientific advances into ‘real-world’, ‘state-of-the-art' healthcare services. Networking, information-exchange and mutual support via EBMT have been indispensable throughout.

Over the last 50 years, EBMT has become an increasingly complex organisation. Whilst I wouldn’t want to change what works well, some relatively simple, modernising reforms will improve EBMT’s functionality, reach and impact being delivered effectively and equitably in the future.

Getting the ‘right balance’ for the modern era

  • Successful EBMT Presidency demands a careful balance so that elected professionals in the Board and Scientific Council/Working Party Chairs can shape and steer the clinical and scientific direction, whilst harnessing the talents of 140+ EBMT staff, based in the Barcelona/Paris/Leiden offices (many working remotely).
  • Leadership requires good relationships, communication, governance and ‘fair play’. Interactions with 'Industry' and others with vested interests must be managed transparently and ethically.
  • Elected healthcare professionals should be:
    • Representative of membership, irrespective of location.
    • In control, but effectively supported by EBMT staff.

Elected EBMT leadership positions should be more representative and inclusive…

  • EBMT’s electoral system is associated with a ‘traditional’ dominance of Board/Scientific Council/Working Party Chairs from countries with most centres. The complexity of modern HCT services has led to inevitable but variable consolidation of facilities and specialist teams. EBMT’s leadership should be proportionally representative of modern HCT activity and practice.
  • Many busy clinicians simply cannot find time within their working week, alongside work:life demands, for EBMT duties. Working Party Chair elections are often uncontested! Like some other Societies, EBMT should 'buy out' professional time from individual Hospital/University employers (e.g. half-day/week) so that Chairs can be ‘released’ for EBMT. Such affordable investment will deliver more talent, commitment, diversity, and value for money than e.g. expanding EBMT staff further…

EBMT as an organisation with real global reach and impact

  • I am lucky to speak English as my first language, and always humbled by international colleagues who are fluent. However, many EBMT members are disadvantaged (and their voices are less heard). EBMT should harness modern translational/interpretive technologies to remove such barriers.
  • ‘EBMT Global’ needs to be re-defined and invested in.
  • EBMT should always be ready for another pandemic or similar global event (we were tremendous last time!).  
  • EBMT should connect globally with a healthy carbon footprint.

Clinical and Translational Science 

  • EBMT’s Mission Statement on Basic and Translational Science in Cellular and Gene Therapy (McLornan, Hazenberg et al, 2025) is our shared vision for scientific development.
  • Whilst CAR-Ts continue to be ‘fine-tuned’ via the GoCART Coalition with EHA, similar collaborations with other specialist societies in broader Cell and Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine are needed as EBMT expands beyond its ‘traditional’ boundaries.
  • EBMT should never neglect our “bread and butter” i.e. >20,000 ‘allos’ and >27,000 ‘autos’ per year (Passweg et al, BMT 2025), Indications (Snowden et al, BMT 2022), and Survival (Saccardi…Snowden, BMT 2023)!
  • Moreover, modern genomics continually advances our diagnostics, prognostics and donor/recipient immunogenetics…improving clinical decision making and patient survival.
  • The New EBMT Registry, capably re-engineered under the leadership of Per Ljungman, will be a major priority for harnessing our future potential for ‘Big Data’, A.I. and M.L…it’s a “no brainer”!

 Above all, EBMT must always work for the patients we all serve. I am very grateful for your vote.

NoteThe online voting period will run from Tuesday, 18 March 2025, to Monday, 31 March 2025. Principal Investigators (PI's) from active EBMT member centres will be able to cast their vote online for their preferred candidate within the open positions. The elections results will be announced live at the General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, 1 April (07:45 am CET), during the 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT. Instructions on how to vote will be sent out to PI's closer to the voting start date.