Further data entry training on the new Registry system (MACRO) has taken place since our last update in June. Training sessions have taken place in the following countries:
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Italy
- Poland
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- Turkey
- UK
Training is continuing in Italy and sessions for Austrian centres are planned to take place close to the go-live date.
Several online sessions have taken place via Go To Meeting, hosted by Asterios Kasmiris in the Registry Office in London. Around 70 users have attended the online training so far.
More online sessions are planned and you can sign up via the Registry Training web page
Training has been given by EBMT Registry staff and/or National Registry staff. We would like to thank the National Registries for their collaboration in this training programme.
Many thanks also to the local hosts of 2 sessions in June. Marie Trnkova hosted the training session for Czech centres at 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague. Data managers from the surrounding regions were also invited.

If you have any questions about training or the MACRO system please contact the Registry helpdesk
For info on our Data Management training programme for the next EBMT 2020 Annual Meeting in Madrid, click on the blue button below.