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Changes to JACIE National Representatives

JACIE Committee

JACIE is represented at the national level by the National Representatives selected by the National Societies for transplantation, haematology or other related discipline. The National Representatives are the principal point of contact with the JACIE Office on all matters related to JACIE in their countries. They can provide guidance and support to transplant programmes applying for JACIE Accreditation; but conversely, they feedback to JACIE on any changes in their countries that might have an impact on JACIE Accreditation or FACT-JACIE Standards.

Recently, there have been some changes to the National Representatives as listed below:

Spain - Dr David Valcarcel has handed over the role of the National Representative to Dr Anabelle Chinea, who has been recently appointed as head of the Accreditation group from the Spanish Group of Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cell Therapy (GETH –TC).

Anabelle Chinea is a medical haematologist with special interest in cell therapy, hematopoietic progenitor transplantation and graft-versus-recipient disease. Currently she works at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal where she is part of the transplant team. Additionally, she is a member of the Spanish Group of Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cell Therapy (GETH-TC) and Coordinator of the Accreditation and Donor group.