![4th Nurses Research Study Day [Virtual] 4th Nurses Research Study Day [Virtual]](/sites/default/files/styles/detail_l/public/images/news/fondo_naranja_logo_0_0.jpg?h=b56b10e8&itok=CZQ-ZYQP)
Friday 9th October, 2020
Summary by Marta Canesi, Member of the Nurses Group Research Committee; Staff Nurse, Pediatric Hematology - BMT Unit, Fondazione MBBM/ASST Monza, Italy
On the 9th October 2020 the 4th EBMT Nurses Group Research Study Day was been held virtually. The NG Research Chair, Sarah Liptrott, welcomed the attenders and Jessica Ward from Los Angeles (USA) opened the day presenting her study about symptoms and health related quality of life reported by children (2-18 ys) undergoing HSCT and CAR-T cell therapy. Parents were also included in the study. Findings showed symptoms and low HRQoL are experienced particularly prior to stem cell infusion and that a significant relationship was noted between parent distress and child symptoms and HRQoL. Keeping on with nurses-led studies, Corien Eeltink from Amsterdam gave a talk about the effects of treatment for haematological malignancies on sexuality and fertility, identifying the need for information of this issue among patients and their partners within the first 18 months of treatment. This project won the EBMT Nurses Group Award for best adult abstract poster presentation (see abstract) during the EBMT 2020 Virtual Annual meeting. Thanks to a multicenter longitudinal study survey, with 5 timepoints, it is possible to understand that almost 50% of patients and partners have a specific need for information about sexuality. Moreover, fertile female patients strongly and constantly need information on fertility. These are some of the results of the study that underline the responsibility health care professionals have to provide proper information to patients and their partners.
Katerina Bakunina, EBMT statistician, presented an introduction to statistics, talking about types of data, descriptive and comparative statistics, and hypothesis testing. She gave some clear and precise information about how to build and run a survey. This presentation has been precious for nurses who deal with research activities both in conducting studies and when reading study results in a paper.
Following this, the study coordinator Nurses Group, Anne Lippinkhof from EBMT Data Office (Leiden) gave an update about study management within the Nurses Group: as she presented, mainly nurses-led studies are surveys, retrospective studies or non-interventional prospective studies. Anne gave an overview of the project development from the start-up and recruitment to the results dissemination. She also offered a perspective on how the EBMT study office and the Study coordination currently supports nurses and the Research Committee in their research activities and publication process.
From Madrid, Isabel Salcedo followed with a presentation about how to write a research proposal describing how this has to be necessary, credible and feasible, starting with an original idea. Isabel underlined that it is possible to submit a research proposal to the EBMT NG Research Committee (download the form from: www.ebmt.org/who-we-are/nurses-group-research-committee).
Coming to the end of the Research Day, Annika Kish spoke about how to apply for grants, as research has personnel and operational costs that need to be covered. She went through the application process but, first, she reminded us to carefully read the instruction of the grant, to start little and early and think big: get help from a mentor or a team.
During the closing session, nurses attending had the chance to ask the speakers curiosities and additional comments. They spoke about how they get started into research and how they get ideas for their projects.
This was a constructive and fruitful day for nurses interested in research and hopefully has stimulated more ideas for research. The NG Research Committee is happy to receive your proposals and support nurses in their research activities.