Education Report 2023

For the EBMT’s Education and Events Department, 2023 was a very exciting year, full of new projects, and the first in-person editions of the Annual Meeting and the European CAR T-cell Meeting since the pandemic.
In 2023, the greatly anticipated new EBMT Registry was launched, as did the training e-courses for National Registries, data managers, and EBMT Staff. The modules were rolled out from May to August, and more than 850 participants have completed their training successfully so far.
Chimera, an e-course from trainees for trainees, has also continued to release modules, and JACIE introduced a new e-course for Centers interested in or in the process of getting their accreditation.
The new podcast for nurses hosted by Michelle Kenyon and Emma Chambers, Blood Matters, launched with great success in February 2023, having released 10 episodes throughout the year.
In addition, the EBMT hosted 10 webinars in 2023, including Physician webinars, Paediatric webinars, and JACIE webinars.
The EBMT held 18 events in 2023. In January the Chronic Malignancies Working Party organised a virtual event. In February, EBMT and EHA hosted the 5th edition of the European CAR T-cell Meeting in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the first in-person edition since the Sitges (Spain) in February of 2020. At the beginning of April, the first edition of the Inborn Errors Working Party Spring School was held in Frauenchiemsee (Germany).
Moreover, in April, Paris welcomed the return of the Annual Meeting of the EBMT to an in-person format, after three years of virtual events. The hybrid congress was a success, with over 4,500 in-person and over 1,200 virtual participants from 101 countries.
In May, EBMT and ASTCT organised the 2nd edition of the Joint Basic and Translational Scientific Meeting in Sitges (Spain). In November, the two societies collaborated again by hosting the 6th International Conference on Relapse After Transplant and Cellular Therapy (HSCT²) in Los Angeles (USA).
In June, the Inborn Errors, Autoimmune Diseases, and Paediatric Diseases Working Parties collaborated to organise the Midterm Meeting on New indications in Immune Dysregulatory, Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases in Brescia (Italy).
From September to November, the EBMT organised in-person educational meetings across Europe:
- 8th International Transplant and Cellular Therapy Course in Barcelona (Spain),
- Transplant Complications Working Party Educational Meeting in Copenhagen (Denmark),
- 2nd EBMT-China Nursing Forum and 3rd EBMT-China Scientific Forum in Beijing (China),
- Inborn Errors Working Party Annual Conference in Graz (Austria),
- 15th Educational Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group in Madrid (Spain),
- Lymphoma Working Party Educational Course in Warsaw (Poland),
- 26th Infectious Diseases Working Party Educational Course in Athens (Greece).
The last event of the season was another collaboration between two Working Parties, the Chronic Malignancies Working Party and the Cellular Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party, who had an Educational Meeting on Immunology and Cellular Therapy in Plasma Cell Disorders in Hamburg.
JACIE also organised three JACIE Inspector Training courses, a blended model that combines an e-course and a one day in-person meeting. These courses took place in Barcelona (March), Paris (September), and Istanbul (November).
In 2024, EBMT looks forward to celebrating the association’s 50th anniversary by continuing to provide excellent quality education to all HCT and CT healthcare professionals, with the goal of improving patient outcomes globally.
We also look forward to the publication of the new EBMT Handbook during the Annual Meeting in Glasgow, launching a new open-to-all content library, and collaborations within our different Working Parties, as well as joint partnerships with other societies.