Activity report 2022 of the Trainee Committee
The EBMT trainee committee was established in 2021, on behalf of the young ambassadors 2020, with the overall aim of addressing the specific needs of trainees working in bone marrow transplant and cellular therapy, as well as providing advice and support for trainees at all levels. The group is composed of trainees and young investigators with a broad range of experience and interests and serves to provide a platform for trainees to engage with the wider EBMT community.

Activity Report 2022
The 2nd year of the EBMT Trainee Committee has been very busy. We have grown significantly and alongside this our projects have expanded as well as our global reach.
Structure: Claire Horgan and Nico Gagelmann as co-chairs; Yasmina Serroukh, Lars Klingen-Gjaerde and Carmelo Gurnari as vice-chairs (forming the Core together with co-chairs; 30 members during last committee meeting (of whom 9 were new members, and a total of 16 excluding Core are active members contributing to the projects listed below).
Educational events
- February 2022 - 1st dedicated trainee session at the EBMT-EHA 4th European CAR T-cell meeting in collaboration with Young EHA
- March 2022 -1st Trainee Day at the 48th Annual Meeting of the EBMT
- September 2022 - EBMT 7th International Transplant Course - involved in organisation and delivery of the course including the 1st dedicated paediatric track as well as organising session chairs and promoting case submission
- November 2022 - EBMT-China Forum - presentation on the work of our committee
- Lancet publication: Horgan C, Serroukh Y, Gjærde LK, Gagelmann N; EBMT Trainee Committee. Recognising inequalities in haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation and cellular therapy training. Lancet Haematol. 2022 May
E-courses and Podcasts
- Chimera e-course - content now includes 7 complete modules with further modules scheduled for release over the next few months and plans for a Paediatric and CAR-T e-course this year
- EBMT Trainee Podcasts - now up to 25 episodes- with over 5000 listeners
- EBMT Trainee Pearls - now up to 12 episodes - delivering the most important messages from high-profile research works in haematology and bone marrow transplant
- EBMT mentorship scheme - in development, hoping to launch in Paris 2023
- EBMT twitter cases - 5 to date which deliver trainee-focused interactive cases incorporating question polls on a twitter thread to our 2,900 twitter followers
- Young-EHA- CAR-T meeting
- LABMT - including establishment of their own Young LABMT
- ASH Trainee Council - informal meeting at ASH 2022 with plans for future work
- EBMT Working Parties - promoting educational meetings and trainee-focused initiatives
- BSBMTCT Education Day invited talk ‘Inequalities in BMT Training’