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Variation in hydration use after reinfusion of autologous stem cells in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): a survey of EBMT centres

Nursing Research Committee
Type d'étude:
Numéro de l'étude:
Type de traitement:
Titre court:
Hydration after auto-HSCT
Objectif principal:
The primary objective of this study is to describe current hydration practices after auto-SCT of EBMT member centres and exploring the reasons behind hydration after auto-SCT.
Principaux critères d'inclusion:
All EBMT centres that perform autologous stem cell transplantations in adults will be eligible to participate in the study. Nurses and Quality Managers from these centres, identified through EBMT mailing lists, will be invited to answer to the survey.
Investigateur principal:
Jantina Kortleve
Coordinateur EBMT de l'étude:
Brian Piepenbroek
E-mail du coordinateur de l'étude: