New translations of the EBMT Nurses Textbook to Italian, French, German, and Spanish are now available!

This Open Access Second Edition textbook, endorsed by the EBMT, provides adult and paediatric nurses with a full and informative guide covering all aspects of transplant nursing including a new chapter dedicated to cellular therapy, nursing implications and care. This book takes the reader from basic principles to advanced concepts on a journey through the history of transplant nursing, including essential and progressive elements to help nurses improve their knowledge and benefit the patient experience, as well as a comprehensive introduction to research and auditing methods. This second edition specifically intended for nurses, complements the EBMT Handbook, a popular educational resource originally developed in 2003 for physicians to accompany an annual training course also serving as an educational reference tool in its own right.
This title is designed to develop the knowledge of nurses in transplantation. It is the only one of its kind written by nurse experts, specifically targeted at nurses in this specialist field and acknowledges the valuable contribution that nursing makes to patient care in this area. This new volume presents updated content that is essential for the education of nurses new to transplantation, while also offering a valuable resource for more experienced nurses who wish to refresh their knowledge.
Italian Translation
The EBMT and the EBMT Nurses Group would like to sincerely thank the following individuals from the Italian Nurses Group for their important role in translating the second edition of the EBMT Textbook for Nurses:
Stefano Botti
Simona Calza
Chiara Cannici
Francesca Palmisano
Giorgia Gobbi
Alfonso Parisi
From the Italian Nurses Group: Gruppo Italiano Trapianto di Midollo Osseo Nursing Group (GITMO NG)
French Translation
The EBMT and the EBMT Nurses Group would like to sincerely thank the following individuals from the French Nurses Group for their important role in translating the second edition of the EBMT Textbook for Nurses:
Cristina Baina
Caroline Bompoint
Natacha De Bentzmann
Thomas Jezequel
Sophie Porcheron
Stéphanie Schmitt
Sylvie Tarillon
From the French Nurses Group: Groupe Francophone des Infirmiers et Coordinateurs de Greffe de Moelle (GFIC-GM)
German Translation
The EBMT and the EBMT Nurses Group would like to sincerely thank the following individuals from the German Nurses Group for their important role in translating the second edition of the EBMT Textbook for Nurses:
Cornelia Duda
Ole Sturm
Julia Mattarei
Michaela Korn
Anke Jähnke
Anke Acosta Heredia
Tina Kaiser
Kathrin Schiffer
Eva- Maria Kummerer
Romina Lange
Aleksandra Trojan
Talea Jacobsen
Angelika Bieker
Katharina Jalink
Daniel Kisielewski
Lea Papadopoulos
From the German Nurses Group: Deutsche Arbeitsgruppe KMT / SZT der Pflegenden
Spanish Translation
The EBMT and the EBMT Nurses Group would like to sincerely thank the following individuals from the Spanish Nurses Group for their important role in translating the second edition of the EBMT Textbook for Nurses:
Francisco Xosé Román Losada
Isabel Salcedo de Diego
Eugenia Trigoso Arjona
Cristina Gallego Millares
Julia Ruiz Pato
From the Spanish Nurses Group: Grupo de Enfermería del Grupo Español de Trasplante Hematopoyético y Terapia Celular (GETH-TC)
EBMT Online Learning Course for Nurses
The EBMT Nurses e-learning program has been transformed from the successful EBMT Nurses Textbook and has been developed by and for nurses with an interest in Haematopoietic Cell Transplantation. It brings together the knowledge of nursing leaders in HCT and nursing care to provide nurses with a comprehensive and informative guide covering all aspects of transplant nursing, from basic principles to advanced concepts. It takes the learner on a journey through the history of transplant nursing, presenting concepts to help nurses improve their patient’s experience. It also explores research and auditing methods.
The ultimate goal of this e-learning is to support the EBMT Nurses Group's objective of improving the care of patients receiving HCT.
EBMT Online Learning Course for Nurses is available on the e-learning platform and open to all public.