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The role of nursing in the care of patient’s skin with cutaneous chronic Graft versus Host Disease (ccGvHD) post allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)

Nursing Research Committee
Type d'étude:
Numéro de l'étude:
Type de traitement:
Titre court:
Objectif principal:
It is the aim of this survey to gain an understanding of current practice in relation to management of cutaneous cGvHD within European transplant centres, including level of access to ECP as a supportive therapy. The aim of this work is to produce a position statement and explore the possible need for guidelines / algorithms / educational tools, to guide use of different management products.
Principaux critères d'inclusion:
Nurses currently working in a BMT unit providing transplantation to any patient group (paediatric or adult), caring for post allogeneic stem cell transplant patients with cutaneous chronic GvHD.
Investigateur principal:
Jacqui Stringer
Coordinateur EBMT de l'étude:
Brian Piepenbroek
E-mail du coordinateur de l'étude: