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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I register to the virtual meeting?

The registration closed on the 21st of August 2020. It is not possible to add any new attendees. For any questions regarding registration, please contact:

Can I register to a ticketed session?

The registration is closed; it is not possible to add any new attendees to the ticketed sessions.

What do I need to attend the virtual meeting?

You only need to be registered, a good internet connection and your device or computer. For the best viewing experience, we recommend that you join the conference using a computer and a supported internet browser, which includes the updated versions of Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

What should I do if I experience any technical problems?

You can click in the information icon and send an email to

For any other assistance you can contact the EBMT staff at the information desk during the opening hours.

What time zone is the event?

The virtual meeting will be held in Central European Summer Time Zone. Please check your time beforehand using this link.

Is there a virtual exhibition?

Yes, please access to the virtual booths by following the 'Exhibition Halls' signs from the Main Hall or
directly from the menu in your screen. Once you have arrived, journey through the exhibition booths, explore the displayed materials, contact exhibitors directly and chat with their representatives.

There are 4 Exhibition Halls:

  • Hall 1: Leading EBMT Sponsors and Exhibitors
  • Hall 2: EBMT Hub: includes the EBMT Booth, the Industry Theatre, and the EBMT TV Studio
  • Hall 3: Exhibiting Companies
  • Hall 4: Non-Profit Partners

You can find an Exhibitor index on the right wall of the Exhibition Passageway.

What are the ‘opening hours’?

Even though the platform is available at any time, the information services and the exhibition area will be open according to this schedule:

Exhibition Opening Hours

Saturday, 29 August                             12:30 - 18:30 (CEST)

Sunday, 30 August                               08:30 - 19:00 (CEST)

Monday, 31 August                               09:30 - 19:00 (CEST)

Tuesday, 1 September                         09:30 - 18:00 (CEST)

Where can I find the most updated scientific programme?

There are several ways you can access the iPlanner:

  • EBMT20 app
  • EBMT website
  • Entrance Hall
  • Auditoriums Hall

Is there an EBMT2020 app?

Yes. Search for the EBMT 2020 app and download it from the Play Store for Android or App store for iOs.

From the mobile app, you will be able to plan your attendance and set alarms to attend the most interesting lectures.

We recommend using the QR code to easily download it.

QR Code App Annual Meeting 200

How can I access the lectures?

Please follow the ‘Auditoriums’ sign and check the program. Choose the auditorium where the lecture will be held. When accessing the Auditorium, you will see the slides and a video screen. You can maximise the view of the presentation with the icon Icon, adapt the volume and rate the session.

How can I view the lectures on-demand?

All sessions from the current day and past days will be available on-demand at the end of each day, once the live sessions are finished at the same auditorium where they were scheduled. All content from all days will be available on-demand after the Annual Meeting officially ends on 1 st September and will remain available online until 1 st November 2020.

Can I send questions to the speakers during the live sessions?

Yes, click the button “Questions” in the auditorium. The chairs of each session will address your question to the speakers, who will answer during the Q&A according to the program.

FYI: Once you’ve clicked the expand button to view the presentation screen and stream the video larger, the “Questions” button is no longer viewable.

There are two different types of Q&A sessions. You can confirm which kind of Q&A session is at the iPlanner:

  • Live video Q&A: the audience can send the written questions and the chairs will address them to the speakers on camera. Responses will be presented as a live video discussion
  • Live text Q&A: the chairs will address the questions to the speakers and responses plus the conversation feed will show up in a text box once the Q&A part of the session commences

How can I interact with other participants?

To interact with other participants, you must first enter the Networking Lounge, either from the Entrance Hall, the Exhibition Passageway or from the Auditoriums Passageway. Once you’re in the Networking Lounge, you can open the live chat and send a message that can be viewed by everyone else in the Lounge.

You can also click on another attendee in the Networking Lounge and start a private 1-1 message or video call. It is also possible to save contacts. Once a contact is saved, you can add them to private chats to form group chats.

You can also interact with virtual booth staff through live chats and video calls in the Exhibition Halls, at each respective booth.

**WARNING: Once you’ve started a chat, if you want to come back to it do not click the “X” button. Always minimize it instead, so you can come back to it later. Once you click the “X” the chat history and the chat disappears.

Can I save contacts?

Yes. If they are in the Networking Lounge you can click on their name and add them as a contact. They will then appear in the menu bar at the bottom of your screen.

Can I save chats?

Yes. Before closing the chat box you can press the “Save Chat” button and the chat along with the chat’s history will be stored in your briefcase. You can also save the chat history in html format on your device by pressing Ctrl+S.

Is my personal contact information displayed while I am attending?

Your name, role and country will be automatically displayed to other participants in the Networking Lounge.  Your email address is not shared, unless you choose to explicitly share it with other participants yourself.

Can I download the presentations?

The content is not downloadable, but it is available on-demand after each live event and until the 1st of November. After that date most of the content will be available for EBMT Members on the e-Learning platform.

Gain exclusive access to content and more by starting your membership today.

Is there a Poster area?

Yes. You can access the e-Poster area directly from the Entrance Hall. Your browser will open a new tab and afterwards you can access and search by topic, type or author and listen to the oral presentations.

There, you will be able to send comments and questions to the presenter using the message function. 

Can I claim CME credits?

The programme of the 46th edition of the EBMT Annual Meeting has been reviewed and approved for CME accreditation by the European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) CME Unit. The EBAH-CME Unit has approved this educational activity for a maximum number of 40 EBAH-CME credit points. Sponsored sessions do not receive CME points.

The system will track your activity during the live event and while viewing the on-demand content. Your credit points will automatically be assigned to your account after the 1st of November 2020. You can find more information here.

Please, before starting the meeting, fill in your data in the profile icon. If you do not type your EBAH affiliation number, it will NOT be linked to the tracking system.

Will I receive a certificate of attendance?

Yes, after attending the event you will receive an email with a survey on the 3rd of September 2020. After completing it you will be able to download the certificate.

What is the language of EBMT 2020?

The official language is English. The EBMT will not provide any translation services during this edition.

Is there an EBMT Blackout Policy?

Industry is welcome to organize their own meetings or events during the dates of the EBMT Annual Meeting 2020 provided that they start before or after the conclusion of the Scientific Programme and/or any EBMT organized virtual networking sessions.