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Patient, Family and Donor Day

One of the main goals is the improvement of communication between BMT and CT professionals and patients. This is increasingly relevant due to the rapid evolution of technology associated with transplantation and its relationship with the growing field of cellular therapy. The introduction of new drugs and graft manipulation techniques, combined with changes in the clinical pattern of transplantation, particularly in the outpatient setting, has led to remarkable developments in the field over the last few years.

The 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT's scientific programme is aimed at exploring both scientific trends and the special relationship which is often created between the clinical BMT personnel and patients and their families.


Free Registration Offer for Patient Advocates

EBMT will be offering full congress registration to 30 Patient Advocates.

If you are a Patient Advocate and are interested in attending the full 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT (30 March-2 April 2025), in addition to Patient, Family and Donor Day, please apply by sending your CV and Letter of Intent to Once 30 applications have been received and approved, no further applications will be accepted.

Email us your CV and Letter of Intent

Patient, Family and Donor Day

The Patient, Family and Donor Day (PFDD) has become an integral part of the yearly EBMT congress since it was first introduced at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the EBMT in Lyon.

The Patient, Family and Donor Day at the 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT will take place on Sunday, 30 March 2025, from 8:30-17:45 CEST and registration for this unique and memorable day is free. All are welcome to attend in-person or join the live-stream via the virtual annual meeting platform.

Free Registration to this special Day

Patient Advocacy Sessions

The Patient Advocacy Sessions at the 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT will take place on Monday, 31 March 2025 in the morning.

All are welcome to attend in-person or join the live-stream via the virtual annual meeting platform.

See Registration Categories

Thank you to our supporters

Anthony Nolan


Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation

Fondazioni Careggi